Displays an inline Splatfest team icon next to the Splatfest team's name.




Parameter Type Status Description
game Unnamed Required The game that the Splatfest team belongs to. Must be one of the following:
  • S2 for Splatoon 2
  • future game code for a future game
name Unnamed Required The English name of the Splatfest team.
  • Logo can be used here to get the Splatfest logo.
size Unnamed Optional The pixel width for the icon. The default size is 24.
icononly Unnamed Optional If present, the text label will be omitted.
link Named Optional If present, sets the link on the image to a custom value



* {{Splatfest|S2|Ketchup}}
* {{Splatfest|S2|Ketchup|icononly}}
* {{Splatfest|S2|Ketchup|64|icononly}}
* {{Splatfest|S2|Ketchup|icononly|link=Mayo vs. Ketchup}}
* {{Splatfest|S2|Logo|icononly}}


  • Ketchup