연습장:Kimchan/메모: 두 판 사이의 차이

(같은 사용자의 중간 판 41개는 보이지 않습니다)
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{{namucat|DISPLAYTITLE=김찬 연습장 {{nobold|{{fs|14|(메모)}}}}|김찬/연습장}}
{{김찬 연습장}}
{{김찬 연습장}}
<div style="position: absolute; margin-left: -130px;"><div style="position: fixed; top: 30%; width: 170px; background: white; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); padding: 10px;">{{fs|14|목차}}<br><br><!--
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-->{{여백|20px}}2.1. [[#접기|접기]]<br><!--
* {{exhide|ex=off|https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/위키백과:대문|위키백과}}/{{exhide|ex=off|https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki|미디어위키}}/{{exhide|ex=off|https://librewiki.net/wiki/리브레_위키:현관|리브레위키}} - 같은 엔진과 문법을 쓰는 만큼 도움말에서 참고할 정보가 무지 많음.
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* {{exhide|ex=off|https://namu.wiki/w/나무위키:대문|나무위키}} - 엔진과 문법은 다르지만 디자인 면에서 참고할 수 있음.
-->3. [[#클래스 종류|클래스 종류]]<br><!--
-->4. [[#틀 사용|틀 사용]]<br><!--
== 머찐 그라데이션 ==
-->{{여백|20px}}4.1. [[#이미지 넣기|이미지 넣기]]<br><!--
소장 가치가 이써요
-->{{여백|20px}}4.2. [[#글배경|글배경]]<br><!--
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-->{{여백|20px}}5.2. [[#칠성고|칠성고]]<br><!--
-->{{여백|20px}}5.3. [[#퇴귀야담|퇴귀야담]]<br><!--
-->{{여백|20px}}5.4. [[#무도학당|무도학당]]<br><!--
|2022 연말시리즈
-->{{여백|20px}}5.5. [[#프로젝트 느와르|프로젝트 느와르]]<br><!--
<pre style="user-select: all;">linear-gradient(172deg, #be2537 5%, #f03a43 40%, #f47b5d 73%, #fac78c 75%)</pre>
-->6. [[#각주|각주]]<div align="center" style="margin-left: -0px; margin-top: 20px;"></div></div></div>
|{{style|bg=linear-gradient(172deg, #be2537 5%, #f03a43 40%, #f47b5d 73%, #fac78c 75%)}}|
|2023 연말시리즈
<pre style="user-select: all;">linear-gradient(60deg, #ff9b00 16%, #fb0055 16%, #fb0055 22%, #fb0055 22%, #fb0055 25%, #880e4f 25%, #880e4f 50%, transparent 50%), linear-gradient(120deg, #880e4f 75%, #fb0055 75%, #fb0055 78%, #fb0055 78%, #fb0055 84%, #ff9b00 84%)</pre>
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|나무위키 {{exhide|type=namu|기르제아}} 문서<br>px 단위라 모바일에선 잘 안 보일 듯?
<pre style="user-select: all;">repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, transparent, transparent 45px, #000 45px, #000 72.5px), repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, transparent, transparent 45px, #000 45px, #000 72.5px), linear-gradient(#5a5a5a, #5a5a5a)</pre>
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|<pre style="user-select: all;">linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.875), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.875)), repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 5px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 5px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 10px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0) 10px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0) 35px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 35px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 40px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 40px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 50px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0) 50px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0) 60px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 60px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 70px, hsla(35, 91%, 65%, 0.5) 70px, hsla(35, 91%, 65%, 0.5) 80px, hsla(35, 91%, 65%, 0) 80px, hsla(35, 91%, 65%, 0) 90px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 90px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 110px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0) 110px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0) 120px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 120px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 140px), repeating-linear-gradient(135deg, transparent 5px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 5px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 10px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0) 10px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0) 35px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 35px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 40px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 40px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 50px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0) 50px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0) 60px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 60px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 70px, hsla(35, 91%, 65%, 0.5) 70px, hsla(35, 91%, 65%, 0.5) 80px, hsla(35, 91%, 65%, 0) 80px, hsla(35, 91%, 65%, 0) 90px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 90px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0.5) 110px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0) 110px, hsla(5, 53%, 63%, 0) 140px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 140px, hsla(197, 62%, 11%, 0.5) 160px ), linear-gradient(hsl(34, 53%, 82%), hsl(34, 53%, 82%))</pre>
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|<pre style="user-select: all;">radial-gradient(circle at 50% 50%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), radial-gradient(circle at 0% 0%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), radial-gradient(circle at 0% 100%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), radial-gradient(circle at 100% 0%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), radial-gradient(circle at 100% 100%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 90deg at 97.5% 67%, white 0 87.5deg, #fff0 88deg 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 90deg at 97.5% 67%, white 0 87.5deg, #fff0 88deg 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 182.5deg at 2.5% 67%, #fff0 0 0deg, white 0.5deg 90deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 182.5deg at 2.5% 67%, #fff0 0 0deg, white 0.5deg 90deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 270deg at 2.5% 33%, white 0 87.5deg, #fff0 88deg 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 270deg at 2.5% 33%, white 0 87.5deg, #fff0 88deg 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 2.5deg at 97.5% 33%, #fff0 0 0deg, white 0.5deg 90deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 2.5deg at 97.5% 33%, #fff0 0 0deg, white 0.5deg 90deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 116.5deg at 50% 85.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 116.5deg at 50% 85.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 116.5deg at 50% 85.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 120deg at 50% 83%, white 0 120deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from -63.5deg at 50% 14.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from -63.5deg at 50% 14.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from -63.5deg at 50% 14.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from -60deg at 50% 17%, white 0 120deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 0deg at 50% 50%, #fff0 0 2deg, #1c1b18 2.5deg 57.5deg, #fff0 58deg 62.5deg, #211e1e 63deg 117.5deg, #fff0 118deg 122.5deg, #0c0b0a 123deg 177.5deg, #fff0 178deg 182deg, #1c1b18 182.5deg 237.5deg, #fff0 0 242.5deg, #211e1e 243deg 297.5deg, #fff0 298deg 302.5deg, #0c0b0a 303deg 357.5deg, #fff0 358deg 360deg) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), white</pre>
|{{style|bg=radial-gradient(circle at 50% 50%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), radial-gradient(circle at 0% 0%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), radial-gradient(circle at 0% 100%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), radial-gradient(circle at 100% 0%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), radial-gradient(circle at 100% 100%, #0c0b0ae0 calc(4px * 1), #fff0 calc(4px * 8)) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 90deg at 97.5% 67%, white 0 87.5deg, #fff0 88deg 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 90deg at 97.5% 67%, white 0 87.5deg, #fff0 88deg 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 182.5deg at 2.5% 67%, #fff0 0 0deg, white 0.5deg 90deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 182.5deg at 2.5% 67%, #fff0 0 0deg, white 0.5deg 90deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 270deg at 2.5% 33%, white 0 87.5deg, #fff0 88deg 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 270deg at 2.5% 33%, white 0 87.5deg, #fff0 88deg 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 2.5deg at 97.5% 33%, #fff0 0 0deg, white 0.5deg 90deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 2.5deg at 97.5% 33%, #fff0 0 0deg, white 0.5deg 90deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 116.5deg at 50% 85.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 116.5deg at 50% 85.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 116.5deg at 50% 85.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 120deg at 50% 83%, white 0 120deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from -63.5deg at 50% 14.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from -63.5deg at 50% 14.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from -63.5deg at 50% 14.5%, #211e1e 0 127deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from -60deg at 50% 17%, white 0 120deg, #fff0 0 100%) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), conic-gradient(from 0deg at 50% 50%, #fff0 0 2deg, #1c1b18 2.5deg 57.5deg, #fff0 58deg 62.5deg, #211e1e 63deg 117.5deg, #fff0 118deg 122.5deg, #0c0b0a 123deg 177.5deg, #fff0 178deg 182deg, #1c1b18 182.5deg 237.5deg, #fff0 0 242.5deg, #211e1e 243deg 297.5deg, #fff0 298deg 302.5deg, #0c0b0a 303deg 357.5deg, #fff0 358deg 360deg) 50% / calc(4px * 17.5) calc(4px * 29.5), white}}|
== 색 ==
== 색 ==
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
!style="width: 10%;"|색
!style="width: 15%;"|헥스 코드
!{{style|width=110px}}|헥스 코드
!colspan="3"|기본 색
!colspan=3|기본 색
|style="background: #373a3c;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|제이위키 기본 글자 색 {{color|#373a3c|예시}}
|{{style|align=left}}|제이위키 기본 글자 색 {{c|#373a3c|예시}}
|style="background: #f5f8fa;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|제이위키 테이블 헤더 기본 배경 색
|{{style|align=left}}|제이위키 테이블 헤더 기본 배경 색
|style="background: #e1e8ed;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|제이위키 테이블 기본 테두리 색, 기본 수평줄 색
|{{style|align=left}}|제이위키 테이블 기본 테두리 색, 기본 수평줄 색
|style="background: #337ab7;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|제이위키 하이퍼링크 기본 색 {{color|#337ab7|예시}}
|{{style|align=left}}|제이위키 하이퍼링크 기본 색 {{c|#337ab7|예시}}
|style="background: #ba0000;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|제이위키 하이퍼링크(없는 문서) 기본 색 {{color|#ba0000|예시}}
|{{style|align=left}}|제이위키 하이퍼링크(없는 문서) 기본 색 {{c|#ba0000|예시}}
|style="background: #33b733;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|제이위키 하이퍼링크(외부 링크) 기본 색 {{color|#33b733|예시}}
|{{style|align=left}}|제이위키 하이퍼링크(외부 링크) 기본 색 {{c|#33b733|예시}}
|style="background: #333333;"|
|{{style|align=left}}|제이위키 다크 모드 하이퍼링크 기본 색 → {{c|#ec9f19|예시}}
|{{style|align=left}}|제이위키 다크 모드 하이퍼링크(없는 문서) 기본 색 → {{c|#dc4343|예시}}
|style="text-align: left;"|위키독 기본 글자 색
|{{style|align=left}}|위키독 기본 글자 색
|style="background: #dcdcdc;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|위키독 테이블 기본 테두리 색
|{{style|align=left}}|위키독 테이블 기본 테두리 색
|style="background: #bfbfbf;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|위키독 기본 수평줄 색
|{{style|align=left}}|위키독 기본 수평줄 색
|style="background: #373a3c;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|나무위키 기본 글자 색
|{{style|align=left}}|나무위키 기본 글자 색
|style="background: #ec9f19;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|나무위키 다크모드 하이퍼링크 색 {{color|#ec9f19|예시}}
|{{style|align=left}}|나무위키 다크모드 하이퍼링크 색 {{c|#ec9f19|예시}}
|style="background: #ffc800;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|[[아이펠루스]], [[아이펠루스 제국]], [[세이넬 아르젠베르크]] 상징색
|{{style|align=left}}|[[아이펠루스]], [[세이넬 아르젠베르크]] 상징색
|style="background: #0055fe;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|[[제국 기사단]] 상징색
|{{style|align=left}}|[[제국 기사단]] 상징색
|style="background: #cdeef0;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|[[성기사단]] 상징색
|{{style|align=left}}|[[성기사단]] 상징색
|style="background: #ffda2f;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|[[로셰리아교]], [[교황]] 등 상징색
|{{style|align=left}}|[[로셰리아교]], [[교황]] 등 상징색
|style="background: #00beff;"|
|style="text-align: left;"|[[칠성고등학교]] 상징색
|{{style|align=left}}|[[칠성고등학교]] 상징색
|style="background: #2a2a2a;"|
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* '''프로필 추가 이미지'''
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== 클래스 종류 ==
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* 테이블
* 테이블
** '''wikitable'''<br>가장 기본적인 형태의 테이블 레이아웃
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233번째 줄: 426번째 줄:
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== 틀 사용 ==
== 템플릿 ==
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=== 틀 문서 ===
=== [[틀:글배경|글배경]] ===
{{나무접기2|id=template-doc|<pre style="user-select: all;">{{namucat}}
{{틀 도움}}
== 틀 본문 ==
== 설명 ==
== 사용법 ==
== 둘러보기 ==
{{김찬 제작 틀}}</pre>}}

== 템플릿 ==
=== [[아이펠루스]] ===
=== [[아이펠루스]] ===
* '''등장인물'''
<span class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><pre>{{namucat}}
{|class="wikitable" style="max-width: 410px; float: right; border: 2px solid #e1e8ed;"
{{나무접기2|id=eipellus-character-profile-table|title=[ 등장인물 ]|<pre style="user-select: all;">{{namucat}}
!colspan="2" style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{color|black|인물이명<br>{{fontsize|14|인물이름}}<br>인물원어}}
!colspan="2" style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|인물이명<br>{{fontsize|14|인물이름}}<br>인물원어}}
|colspan="2"|<div style="margin: -4.5px -9px;">[[파일:빈 이미지.png|1000px|link=]]</div>
|colspan="2"|<div style="margin: -4.5px -9px;">[[파일:빈 이미지.png|1000px|link=]]</div>
!style="width: 30%; background: #f5f8fa;"|{{color|black|이명}}
!style="width: 30%; background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|이명}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|[[종족 (아이펠루스)|{{color|black|종족}}]]
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|[[종족 (아이펠루스)|{{c|black|종족}}]]
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{color|black|성별}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|성별}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{color|black|나이}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|나이}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{color|black|신체}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|신체}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{color|black|출신}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|출신}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{color|black|소속}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|소속}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{color|black|직책}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|직책}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{color|black|비고}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|비고}}
304번째 줄: 510번째 줄:
== 기타 ==
== 기타 ==

== 각주 ==

=== [[칠성고]] ===
=== [[칠성고]] ===
* '''등장인물'''
<span class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><pre>{{namucat}}
{{나무접기2|id=chilsung-character-profile-table|title=[ 등장인물 ]|<pre style="user-select: all;">{{namucat}}
{|class="wikitable" style="max-width: 410px; float: right; border: 2px solid #00beff;"
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!colspan="2" style="background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|{{fontsize|14|인물이름한글}}<br>영문명or한문명}}
!colspan="2" style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|{{fontsize|14|인물이름한글}}<br>영문명or한문명}}
|colspan="2"|<div style="margin: -4.5px -9px;">[[파일:빈 이미지.png|1000px|link=]]</div>
|colspan="2"|<div style="margin: -4.5px -9px;">[[파일:빈 이미지.png|1000px|link=]]</div>
!style="width: 30%; background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|본명}}
!style="width: 30%; background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|본명}}
!style="width: 30%; background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|다른 이름}}
!style="width: 30%; background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|다른 이름}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|나이}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|나이}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|성별}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|성별}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|신체}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|신체}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|능력}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|능력}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|소속}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|소속}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|직책}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|직책}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{color|white|관련 인물}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|관련 인물}}
356번째 줄: 564번째 줄:
== 기타 ==
== 기타 ==

== 각주 ==

* '''팀봇 시즌'''
=== [[퇴귀야담]] ===
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!colspan="5" style="background: #00beff;"|[[:분류:칠성고등학교/시즌|{{color|white|팀봇 시즌}}]]
|style="width: 30%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 |시즌 ]]
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|style="width: 30%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 |시즌 ]]
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|<div style="margin: -6px 0px;">[[칠성고등학교 시즌 /줄거리|{{fontsize|9|줄거리}}]]</div>
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!colspan="9" style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{color|black|시간 순서}}
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 외전: 忘雄|외전: 忘雄]]
|style="width: 5%;"|→
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 1|시즌 1]]
|style="width: 5%;"|→
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 2|시즌 2]]
|style="width: 5%;"|→
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 3|시즌 3]]
|style="width: 5%;"|→
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 4: Finale|시즌 4: Finale]]
!colspan="9" style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{color|black|개장 순서}}
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 1|시즌 1]]
|style="width: 5%;"|
{{나무접기2|id=xhlrnldieka-character-profile-table|title=[ 등장인물 ]|<pre style="user-select: all;">{{namucat}}
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 2|시즌 2]]
|style="width: 5%;"|→
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 3|시즌 3]]
|style="width: 5%;"|→
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 외전: 忘雄|외전: 忘雄]]
|style="width: 5%;"|→
|style="width: 16%;"|[[칠성고등학교 시즌 4: Finale|시즌 4: Finale]]
=== [[퇴귀야담]] ===
* 등장인물
<span class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><pre>{{namucat}}
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!colspan="2" style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|{{fontsize|14|인물이름한글}}<br>영문명or한문명}}
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!style="width: 30%; background: #2a2a2a;"|{{color|white|종족}}
!style="width: 30%; background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|종족}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{color|white|성별}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|성별}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{color|white|연령}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|연령}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{color|white|신체}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|신체}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{color|white|조직}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|조직}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{color|white|계급}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|계급}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{color|white|술법}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|술법}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{color|white|관련 인물}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|관련 인물}}
453번째 줄: 617번째 줄:
== 기타 ==
== 기타 ==

== 각주 ==
=== [[무도학당]] ===
=== [[무도학당]] ===
* '''등장인물'''
<span class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><pre>{{namucat}}
{{나무접기2|id=mudohakdang-character-profile-table|title=[ 등장인물 ]|<pre style="user-select: all;">{{namucat}}
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!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|신체}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{color|black|출신}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|출신}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{color|black|소속}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|소속}}
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510번째 줄: 677번째 줄:
== 기타 ==
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=== [[프로젝트 느와르]] ===
* 등장인물
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{{나무접기2|id=project-noir-character-profile-table|title=[ 등장인물 ]|<pre style="user-select: all;">{{namucat}}
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!style="width: 30%; background: black;"|{{c|white|이름}}
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!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|나이}}
!style="background: black;"|{{color|white|성별}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|성별}}
!style="background: black;"|{{color|white|국적}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|국적}}
!style="background: black;"|{{color|white|신체}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|신체}}
!style="background: black;"|{{color|white|소속}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|소속}}
!style="background: black;"|{{color|white|직업}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|직업}}
!style="background: black;"|{{color|white|비고}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|비고}}
548번째 줄: 718번째 줄:
== 개요 ==
== 개요 ==

== 각주 ==</pre></span>

== 각주 ==
{{문서 가져옴|연습장:Kimchan|307254}}
{{문서 가져옴|연습장:Kimchan|307254}}

2024년 4월 6일 (토) 22:19 기준 최신판

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Û Ü ß à á
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â ã ä å æ
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ç è é ê ë
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ì í î ï ñ
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ò ó ô œ õ
&ograve; &oacute; &ocirc; &oelig; &otilde;
ö ø ù ú û
&ouml; &oslash; &ugrave; &uacute; &ucirc;
ü ÿ
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° ø
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틀 문서

[ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
{{틀 도움}}
== 틀 본문 ==

== 설명 ==

== 사용법 ==

== 둘러보기 ==
{{김찬 제작 틀}}


[ 등장인물 ]
!colspan="2" style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|인물이명<br>{{fontsize|14|인물이름}}<br>인물원어}}
|colspan="2"|<div style="margin: -4.5px -9px;">[[파일:빈 이미지.png|1000px|link=]]</div>
!style="width: 30%; background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|이명}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|[[종족 (아이펠루스)|{{c|black|종족}}]]
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|성별}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|나이}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|신체}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|출신}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|소속}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|직책}}
!style="background: #f5f8fa;"|{{c|black|비고}}
== 개요 ==

== 상세 ==

== 인간 관계 ==

== 전투력 ==

== 기타 ==



[ 등장인물 ]
{|class="wikitable" style="max-width: 410px; float: right; border: 2px solid #00beff;"
!colspan="2" style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|{{fontsize|14|인물이름한글}}<br>영문명or한문명}}
|colspan="2"|<div style="margin: -4.5px -9px;">[[파일:빈 이미지.png|1000px|link=]]</div>
!style="width: 30%; background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|본명}}
!style="width: 30%; background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|다른 이름}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|나이}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|성별}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|신체}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|능력}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|소속}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|직책}}
!style="background: #00beff;"|{{c|white|관련 인물}}
== 개요 ==

== 상세 ==

== 작중 행적 ==

== 인간 관계 ==

== 능력 ==

== 기타 ==



[ 등장인물 ]
{|class="wikitable" style="max-width: 410px; float: right; border: 2px solid #2a2a2a;"
!colspan="2" style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|{{fontsize|14|인물이름한글}}<br>영문명or한문명}}
|colspan="2"|<div style="margin: -4.5px -9px;">[[파일명|1000px|link=]]</div>
!style="width: 30%; background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|종족}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|성별}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|연령}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|신체}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|조직}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|계급}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|술법}}
!style="background: #2a2a2a;"|{{c|white|관련 인물}}
== 개요 ==

== 상세 ==

== 작중 행적 ==

== 인간 관계 ==

== 능력 ==
=== 전투력 ===
=== 술법 ===

== 기타 ==



[ 등장인물 ]
{|class="wikitable" style="max-width: 410px; float: right; border: 2px solid #dcdcdc;"
!colspan="2" style="background: #c0c0c0;"|{{c|black|전직}}
!colspan="2" style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|현직}}
|colspan="2"|<div style="margin: -4.5px -9px;">[[파일명|1000px|link=]]</div>
!colspan="2" style="background: white;"|{{c|black|{{fontsize|14|이름한글}}<br>영문명과한문명}}
!rowspan="2" style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|출생}}
|연도와 날짜 (나이)
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|국적}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|성별}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|신체}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|출신}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|소속}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|직책}}
!style="background: #dcdcdc;"|{{c|black|속성}}
== 개요 ==

== 상세 ==

== 작중 행적 ==

== 인간 관계 ==

== 평가 ==

== 강함 ==

== 기타 ==



[ 등장인물 ]
{|class="wikitable" style="max-width: 400px; float: right; border: 2px solid black;"
!colspan="2" style="background-color: black;"|{{c|white|{{fontsize|14|인물이름}}<br>인물원어이름}}
|colspan="2"|<div style="margin: -4.5px -9px;">[[파일:빈 이미지.png|1000px|link=]]</div>
!style="width: 30%; background: black;"|{{c|white|이름}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|나이}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|성별}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|국적}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|신체}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|소속}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|직업}}
!style="background: black;"|{{c|white|비고}}
== 개요 ==

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